Polynomial Constrained Spin Optimization (PCSO)

Accessed with qubovert.PCSO. Note that it is important to use the PCSO.convert_solution function to convert solutions of the PUBO, QUBO, PUSO, or QUSO formulations of the PCSO back to a solution to the PCSO formulation.

We also discuss the qubovert.spin_var function here, which is just returns a PCSO.



Create a PCSO (see qubovert.PCSO) from a single spin variable.


name (any hashable object.) – Name of the spin variable.


pcso – The model representing the spin variable.

Return type

qubovert.PCSO object.


>>> from qubovert import spin_var, PCSO
>>> z0 = spin_var("z0")
>>> print(z0)
{('z0',): 1}
>>> print(isinstance(z0, PCSO))
>>> print(z0.name)
>>> z = [spin_var('z{}'.format(i)) for i in range(5)]
>>> pcso = sum(z)
>>> print(pcso)
{('z0',): 1, ('z1',): 1, ('z2',): 1, ('z3',): 1, ('z4',): 1}
>>> pcso **= 2
>>> print(pcso)
{(): 5, ('z0', 'z1'): 2, ('z2', 'z0'): 2, ('z3', 'z0'): 2, ('z0', 'z4'): 2,
 ('z2', 'z1'): 2, ('z3', 'z1'): 2, ('z4', 'z1'): 2, ('z3', 'z2'): 2,
 ('z2', 'z4'): 2, ('z3', 'z4'): 2}
>>> pcso *= -1
>>> print(pcso.solve_bruteforce(all_solutions=True))
[{'z0': -1, 'z1': -1, 'z2': -1, 'z3': -1, 'z4': -1},
 {'z0': 1, 'z1': 1, 'z2': 1, 'z3': 1, 'z4': 1}]
>>> pcso.add_constraint_eq_zero(z[0] + z[1])
>>> print(pcso.solve_bruteforce(all_solutions=True))
[{'z0': -1, 'z1': 1, 'z2': -1, 'z3': -1, 'z4': -1},
 {'z0': -1, 'z1': 1, 'z2': 1, 'z3': 1, 'z4': 1},
 {'z0': 1, 'z1': -1, 'z2': -1, 'z3': -1, 'z4': -1},
 {'z0': 1, 'z1': -1, 'z2': 1, 'z3': 1, 'z4': 1}]


qubovert.spin_var(name) is equivalent to qubovert.PCSO.create_var(name).

class qubovert.PCSO(*args, **kwargs)


This class deals with Polynomial Constrained Spin Optimization. PCSO inherits some methods and attributes from the PUSO class. See help(qubovert.PUSO).

PCSO has all the same methods as PUSO, but adds some constraint methods; namely

  • add_constraint_eq_zero(H, lam=1, ...) enforces that H == 0 by penalizing with lam,

  • add_constraint_ne_zero(H, lam=1, ...) enforces that H != 0 by penalizing with lam,

  • add_constraint_lt_zero(H, lam=1, ...) enforces that H < 0 by penalizing with lam,

  • add_constraint_le_zero(H, lam=1, ...) enforces that H <= 0 by penalizing with lam,

  • add_constraint_gt_zero(H, lam=1, ...) enforces that H > 0 by penalizing with lam, and

  • add_constraint_ge_zero(H, lam=1, ...) enforces that H >= 0 by penalizing with lam.

Each of these takes in a PUSO H and a lagrange multiplier lam that defaults to 1. See each of their docstrings for important details on their implementation.


  • Variables names that begin with "__a" should not be used since they are used internally to deal with some ancilla variables to enforce constraints.

  • The self.solve_bruteforce method will solve the PCSO ensuring that all the inputted constraints are satisfied. Whereas qubovert.utils.solve_puso_bruteforce(self) or qubovert.utils.solve_puso_bruteforce(self.to_pubo()) will solve the PUSO created from the PCSO. If the inputted constraints are not enforced strong enough (ie too small lagrange multipliers) then these may not give the correct result, whereas self.solve_bruteforce() will always give the correct result (ie one that satisfies all the constraints).


See qubovert.PUSO for more examples of using PCSO without constraints. See qubovert.PCBO for many constraint examples in PUBO form. PCSO is the same but converting to PUSO.

>>> H = PCSO()
>>> H.add_constraint_eq_zero({('a', 1): 2, (1, 2): -1, (): -1})
>>> H
{(): 6, ('a', 2): -4, ('a', 1): -4, (1, 2): 2}
>>> H = PCSO()
>>> H.add_constraint_eq_zero(
        {(0, 1): 1}
        {(1, 2): 1, (): -1}


This class deals with polynomial constrained spin optimization. Note that it is generally more efficient to initialize an empty PCSO object and then build the PCSO, rather than initialize a PCSO object with an already built dict.


arguments (define a dictionary with dict(*args, **kwargs).) – The dictionary will be initialized to follow all the convensions of the class. Alternatively, args[0] can be a PCSO.


>>> pcso = PCSO()
>>> pcso[('a',)] += 5
>>> pcso[(0, 'a')] -= 2
>>> pcso -= 1.5
>>> pcso
{('a',): 5, ('a', 0): -2, (): -1.5}
>>> pcso.add_constraint_eq_zero({('a',): 1, ('b',): 1}, lam=5)
>>> pcso
{('a',): 5, ('a', 0): -2, (): 8.5, ('a', 'b'): 10}
>>> pcso = PCSO({('a',): 5, (0, 'a', 1): -2, (): -1.5})
>>> pcso
{('a',): 5, ('a', 0, 1): -2, (): -1.5}
add_constraint_eq_zero(H, lam=1, bounds=None, suppress_warnings=False)


Enforce that H == 0 by penalizing invalid solutions with lam.

  • H (dict representing a PUSO.) – The PUSO constraint such that H == 0. Note that H will be converted to a qubovert.PUSO object if it is not already, thus it must follow the conventions, see help(qubovert.PUSO). Please note that if H contains any symbols, then bounds must be supplied, since they cannot be determined when symbols are present.

  • lam (float > 0 or sympy.Symbol (optional, defaults to 1)) – Langrange multiplier to penalize violations of the constraint.

  • bounds (two element tuple (optional, defaults to None)) – A tuple (min, max), the minimum and maximum values that the PUSO H can take. If bounds is None, then they may be calculated (approximately), or if either of the elements of bounds is None, then that element will be calculated (approximately).

  • suppress_warnings (bool (optional, defaults to False)) – Whether or not to surpress warnings.


self – Updates the PCSO in place, but returns self so that operations can be strung together.

Return type



The following enforces that \(\sum_{i=1}^{3} i z_i z_{i+1} == 0\).

>>> H = PCSO()
>>> H.add_constraint_eq_zero({(1, 2): 1, (2, 3): 2, (3, 4): 3})

Here we show how operations can be strung together.

>>> H = PCSO()
>>> H.add_constraint_lt_zero(
        {(0, 1): 1}
        {(1, 2): 1, (): -1}
add_constraint_ge_zero(H, lam=1, log_trick=True, bounds=None, suppress_warnings=False)


Enforce that H >= 0 by penalizing invalid solutions with lam.

  • H (dict representing a PUSO.) – The PUSO constraint such that H >= 0. Note that H will be converted to a qubovert.PUSO object if it is not already, thus it must follow the conventions, see help(qubovert.PUSO). Please note that if H contains any symbols, then bounds must be supplied, since they cannot be determined when symbols are present.

  • lam (float > 0 or sympy.Symbol (optional, defaults to 1)) – Langrange multiplier to penalize violations of the constraint.

  • log_trick (bool (optional, defaults to True)) – Whether or not to use the log trick to enforce the inequality constraint. See Notes below for more details.

  • bounds (two element tuple (optional, defaults to None)) – A tuple (min, max), the minimum and maximum values that the PUSO H can take. If bounds is None, then they will be calculated (approximately), or if either of the elements of bounds is None, then that element will be calculated (approximately).

  • suppress_warnings (bool (optional, defaults to False)) – Whether or not to surpress warnings.


self – Updates the PCSO in place, but returns self so that operations can be strung together.

Return type



  • There is no general way to enforce non integer inequality constraints. Thus this function is only guarenteed to work for integer inequality constraints (ie constraints of the form \(z_0 + 2z_1 + ... \geq 0\)). However, it can be used for non integer inequality constraints, but it is recommended that the value of lam be set small, since valid solutions may still recieve a penalty to the objective function. For example,

    >>> H = PCSO()
    >>> H.add_constraint_ge_zero(
            {(0,): -0.5, (): -1.15, (1,): -1.0, (2,): 0.75})
    >>> H
    {(0,): 1.65, (): 4.785, (0, 1): 1.0, (1,): 3.3, (0, 2): -0.75,
     (2,): -2.4749999999999996, ('__a0', 0): 0.5, ('__a0',): 1.65,
     (1, 2): -1.5, ('__a0', 1): 1.0, ('__a0', 2): -0.75}
    >>> H.is_solution_valid(test_sol)
    >>> H.value(test_sol)

    {0: -1, 1: -1, 2: 1} is a valid solution to H, but it will still cause a nonzero penalty to be added to the objective function.

  • To enforce the inequality constraint, ancilla bits will be introduced (labels with _a). If log_trick is True, then approximately \(\log_2 |\max_z \text{H.value(z)}|\) ancilla bits will be used. If log_trick is False, then approximately \(|\max_z \text{H.value(z)}|\) ancilla bits will be used.

add_constraint_gt_zero(H, lam=1, log_trick=True, bounds=None, suppress_warnings=False)


Enforce that H > 0 by penalizing invalid solutions with lam.

  • H (dict representing a PUSO.) – The PUSO constraint such that H > 0. Note that H will be converted to a qubovert.PUSO object if it is not already, thus it must follow the conventions, see help(qubovert.PUSO). Please note that if H contains any symbols, then bounds must be supplied, since they cannot be determined when symbols are present.

  • lam (float > 0 or sympy.Symbol (optional, defaults to 1)) – Langrange multiplier to penalize violations of the constraint.

  • log_trick (bool (optional, defaults to True)) – Whether or not to use the log trick to enforce the inequality constraint. See Notes below for more details.

  • bounds (two element tuple (optional, defaults to None)) – A tuple (min, max), the minimum and maximum values that the PUSO H can take. If bounds is None, then they will be calculated (approximately), or if either of the elements of bounds is None, then that element will be calculated (approximately).

  • suppress_warnings (bool (optional, defaults to False)) – Whether or not to surpress warnings.


self – Updates the PCSO in place, but returns self so that operations can be strung together.

Return type



  • There is no general way to enforce non integer inequality constraints. Thus this function is only guarenteed to work for integer inequality constraints (ie constraints of the form \(z_0 + 2z_1 + ... > 0\)). However, it can be used for non integer inequality constraints, but it is recommended that the value of lam be set small, since valid solutions may still recieve a penalty to the objective function. For example,

    >>> H = PCSO()
    >>> H.add_constraint_gt_zero(
            {(0,): -0.5, (): -1.65, (1,): -1.0, (2,): 0.25})
    >>> test_sol = {0: -1, 1: -1, 2: 1}
    >>> H.is_solution_valid(test_sol)
    >>> H.value(sol)

    {0: -1, 1: -1, 2: 1} is a valid solution to H, but it will still cause a nonzero penalty to be added to the objective function.

  • To enforce the inequality constraint, ancilla bits will be introduced (labels with _a). If log_trick is True, then approximately \(\log_2 |\max_z \text{H.value(z)}|\) ancilla bits will be used. If log_trick is False, then approximately \(|\max_z \text{H.value(z)}|\) ancilla bits will be used.

add_constraint_le_zero(H, lam=1, log_trick=True, bounds=None, suppress_warnings=False)


Enforce that H <= 0 by penalizing invalid solutions with lam.

  • H (dict representing a PUSO.) – The PUSO constraint such that H <= 0. Note that H will be converted to a qubovert.PUSO object if it is not already, thus it must follow the conventions, see help(qubovert.PUSO). Please note that if H contains any symbols, then bounds must be supplied, since they cannot be determined when symbols are present.

  • lam (float > 0 or sympy.Symbol (optional, defaults to 1)) – Langrange multiplier to penalize violations of the constraint.

  • log_trick (bool (optional, defaults to True)) – Whether or not to use the log trick to enforce the inequality constraint. See Notes below for more details.

  • bounds (two element tuple (optional, defaults to None)) – A tuple (min, max), the minimum and maximum values that the PUSO H can take. If bounds is None, then they will be calculated (approximately), or if either of the elements of bounds is None, then that element will be calculated (approximately).

  • suppress_warnings (bool (optional, defaults to False)) – Whether or not to surpress warnings.


self – Updates the PCSO in place, but returns self so that operations can be strung together.

Return type



  • There is no general way to enforce non integer inequality constraints. Thus this function is only guarenteed to work for integer inequality constraints (ie constraints of the form \(z_0 + 2z_1 + ... \leq 0\)). However, it can be used for non integer inequality constraints, but it is recommended that the value of lam be set small, since valid solutions may still recieve a penalty to the objective function. For example,

    >>> H = PCSO()
    >>> H.add_constraint_le_zero(
            {(0,): 0.5, (): 1.15, (1,): 1.0, (2,): -0.75})
    >> H
    {(0,): 1.65, (): 4.785, (0, 1): 1.0, (1,): 3.3, (0, 2): -0.75,
     (2,): -2.4749999999999996, ('__a0', 0): 0.5, ('__a0',): 1.65,
     (1, 2): -1.5, ('__a0', 1): 1.0, ('__a0', 2): -0.75}
    >>> test_sol = {0: -1, 1: -1, 2: 1, '__a0': 1}
    >>> H.is_solution_valid(test_sol)
    >>> H.value(test_sol)

    {0: -1, 1: -1, 2: 1} is a valid solution to H, but it will still cause a nonzero penalty to be added to the objective function.

  • To enforce the inequality constraint, ancilla bits will be introduced (labels with _a). If log_trick is True, then approximately \(\log_2 |\min_z \text{H.value(z)}|\) ancilla bits will be used. If log_trick is False, then approximately \(|\min_z \text{H.value(z)}|\) ancilla bits will be used.

add_constraint_lt_zero(H, lam=1, log_trick=True, bounds=None, suppress_warnings=False)


Enforce that H < 0 by penalizing invalid solutions with lam. See Notes below for more details.

  • H (dict representing a PUSO.) – The PUSO constraint such that H < 0. Note that H will be converted to a qubovert.PUSO object if it is not already, thus it must follow the conventions, see help(qubovert.PUSO). Please note that if H contains any symbols, then bounds must be supplied, since they cannot be determined when symbols are present.

  • lam (float > 0 or sympy.Symbol (optional, defaults to 1)) – Langrange multiplier to penalize violations of the constraint.

  • log_trick (bool (optional, defaults to True)) – Whether or not to use the log trick to enforce the inequality constraint. See Notes below for more details.

  • bounds (two element tuple (optional, defaults to None)) – A tuple (min, max), the minimum and maximum values that the PUSO H can take. If bounds is None, then they will be calculated (approximately), or if either of the elements of bounds is None, then that element will be calculated (approximately).

  • suppress_warnings (bool (optional, defaults to False)) – Whether or not to surpress warnings.


self – Updates the PCSO in place, but returns self so that operations can be strung together.

Return type



  • There is no general way to enforce non integer inequality constraints. Thus this function is only guarenteed to work for integer inequality constraints (ie constraints of the form \(z_0 + 2z_1 + ... < 0\)). However, it can be used for non integer inequality constraints, but it is recommended that the value of lam be set small, since valid solutions may still recieve a penalty to the objective function. For example,

    >>> H = PCSO()
    >>> H.add_constraint_lt_zero(
    >>>     {(0,): 0.5, (): 1.65, (1,): 1.0, (2,): -0.25})
    >>> test_sol = {0: -1, 1: -1, 2: 1}
    >>> H.is_solution_valid(test_sol)
    >>> H.value(test_sol)

    {0: -1, 1: -1, 2: 1} is a valid solution to H, but it will still cause a nonzero penalty to be added to the objective function.

  • To enforce the inequality constraint, ancilla bits will be introduced (labels with _a). If log_trick is True, then approximately \(\log_2 |\min_z \text{H.value(z)}|\) ancilla bits will be used. If log_trick is False, then approximately \(|\min_z \text{H.value(z)}|\) ancilla bits will be used.

add_constraint_ne_zero(H, lam=1, log_trick=True, bounds=None, suppress_warnings=False)


Enforce that H != 0 by penalizing invalid solutions with lam. See Notes below for more details.

  • H (dict representing a PUSO.) – The PUSO constraint such that H != 0. Note that H will be converted to a qubovert.PUSO object if it is not already, thus it must follow the conventions, see help(qubovert.PUSO). Please note that if H contains any symbols, then bounds must be supplied, since they cannot be determined when symbols are present.

  • lam (float > 0 or sympy.Symbol (optional, defaults to 1)) – Langrange multiplier to penalize violations of the constraint.

  • log_trick (bool (optional, defaults to True)) – Whether or not to use the log trick to enforce the inequality constraint. See Notes below for more details.

  • bounds (two element tuple (optional, defaults to None)) – A tuple (min, max), the minimum and maximum values that the PUSO H can take. If bounds is None, then they will be calculated (approximately), or if either of the elements of bounds is None, then that element will be calculated (approximately).

  • suppress_warnings (bool (optional, defaults to False)) – Whether or not to surpress warnings.


self – Updates the PCSO in place, but returns self so that operations can be strung together.

Return type



  • There is no general way to enforce non integer inequality constraints. Thus this function is only guarenteed to work for integer inequality constraints. However, it can be used for non integer inequality constraints, but it is recommended that the value of lam be set small, since valid solutions may still recieve a penalty to the objective function.

  • To enforce the inequality constraint, ancilla bits will be introduced (labels with _a). If log_trick is True, then approximately \(\log_2 |\min_x \text{P.value(x)}|\) ancilla bits will be used. If log_trick is False, then approximately \(|\min_x \text{P.value(x)}|\) ancilla bits will be used.



For efficiency, the internal variables for degree, num_binary_variables, max_index are computed as the dictionary is being built (and in subclasses such as qubovert.PUBO, properties such as mapping and reverse_mapping). This can cause these values to be wrong for some specific situations. Thus, when we clear, we also need to reset all of these cached values. This function remove all the elments from self and resets the cached values.

property constraints


Return the constraints of the PCSO.


res – The keys of res are 'eq', 'ne', 'lt', 'le', 'gt', and 'ge'. The values are lists of qubovert.PUSO objects. For a given key, value pair k, v, the v[i] element represents the PUSO v[i] being == 0 if k == 'eq', != 0 if k == 'ne', < 0 if k == 'lt', <= 0 if k == 'le', > 0 if k == 'gt', >= 0 if k == 'ge'.

Return type


convert_solution(solution, spin=True)


Convert the solution to the integer labeled PUSO to the solution to the originally labeled PUSO.

  • solution (iterable or dict.) – The PUSO, PUSO, QUSO, or QUSO solution output. The PUSO solution output is either a list or tuple where indices specify the label of the variable and the element specifies whether it’s 0 or 1 for PUSO (or 1 or -1 for QUSO), or it can be a dictionary that maps the label of the variable to is value. The QUSO/QUSO solution output includes the assignment for the ancilla variables used to reduce the degree of the PUSO.

  • spin (bool (optional, defaults to True)) – spin indicates whether solution is the solution to the boolean {0, 1} formulation of the problem or the spin {1, -1} formulation of the problem. This parameter usually does not matter, and it will be ignored if possible. The only time it is used is if solution contains all 1’s. In this case, it is unclear whether solution came from a spin or boolean formulation of the problem, and we will figure it out based on the spin parameter.


res – Maps spin variable labels to their PUSO solutions values {1, -1}.

Return type



>>> puso = PUSO({('a',): 5, (0, 'a', 1): -2, (): -1.5})
>>> puso
{('a',): 5, ('a', 0, 1): -2, (): -1.5}
>>> H = puso.to_puso()
>>> H
{(0,): 5, (0, 1): -2, (): -1.5}
>>> puso.convert_solution({0: 1, 1: -1, 2: 1})
{'a': 1, 0: -1, 1: 1}

In the next example, notice that we introduce ancilla variables to represent that `(0, 1) term. See the to_quso method for more info.

>>> puso = PUSO({('a',): 5, (0, 'a', 1): -2, (): -1.5})
>>> puso.mapping
{'a': 0, 0: 1, 1: 2}
>>> L = puso.to_quso(3)
>>> L
{(0,): 5, (0, 3): -2, (): -2.25,
 (1, 2): 3/4, (2, 3): 3/4, (1, 3): 3/4, (1,): 3/2, (2,): 3/2, (3,): 3}
>>> puso.convert_solution({0: 1, 1: -1, 2: 1, 2: -1})
{'a': 1, 0: -1, 1: 1}


We take ignore the ancilla variable assignments when we convert the solution. For example if the conversion from PUSO to QUSO introduced an ancilla varable z = xy where x and y are variables of the PUSO, then solution must have values for x, y, and z. If the QUSO solver found that x = 1, y = -1, and z = 1, then the constraint that z = xy is not satisfied (one possible cause for this is if the lam argument in to_quso is too small). convert_solution will return that x = 1 and y = -1 and ignore the value of z.



Same as dict.copy, but we adjust the method so that it returns a DictArithmetic object, or whatever object is the subclass.


d – Same as self.__class__.

Return type

DictArithmetic object, or subclass of.

classmethod create_var(name)


Create the variable with name name.


name (hashable object allowed as a key.) – Name of the variable.


res – The model representing the variable with type cls.

Return type

cls object.


>>> from qubovert.utils import DictArithmetic
>>> x = DictArithmetic.create_var('x')
>>> x == DictArithmetic({('x',): 1})
>>> isinstance(x, DictArithmetic)
>>> x.name
>>> from qubovert import QUSO
>>> z = QUSO.create_var('z')
>>> print(z)
{('z',): 1}
>>> print(isinstance(z, QUSO))
>>> print(z.name)
property degree


Return the degree of the problem.



Return type


fromkeys(value=None, /)

Create a new dictionary with keys from iterable and values set to value.

get(key, default=None, /)

Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.



Finds whether or not the given solution satisfies the constraints.


solution (dict.) – Must be the solution in terms of the original variables. Thus if solution is the solution to the self.to_pubo, self.to_qubo, self.to_puso, or self.to_quso formulations, then you should first call self.convert_solution. See help(self.convert_solution).


valid – Whether or not the given solution satisfies the constraints.

Return type


items() a set-like object providing a view on D's items
keys() a set-like object providing a view on D's keys
property mapping


Return a copy of the mapping dictionary that maps the provided labels to integers from 0 to n-1, where n is the number of variables in the problem.


mapping – Dictionary that maps provided labels to integer labels.

Return type


property max_index


Return the maximum label of the integer labeled version of the problem.



Return type


property name


Return the name of the object.



Return type



>>> d = DictArithmetic()
>>> d.name
>>> d.name = 'd'
>>> d.name


Normalize the coefficients to a maximum magnitude.


value (float (optional, defaults to 1)) – Every coefficient value will be normalized such that the coefficient with the maximum magnitude will be +/- 1.


>>> from qubovert.utils import DictArithmetic
>>> d = DictArithmetic({(0, 1): 1, (1, 2, 'x'): 4})
>>> d.normalize()
>>> print(d)
{(0, 1): 0.25, (1, 2, 'x'): 1}
>>> from qubovert.utils import DictArithmetic
>>> d = DictArithmetic({(0, 1): 1, (1, 2, 'x'): -4})
>>> d.normalize()
>>> print(d)
{(0, 1): 0.25, (1, 2, 'x'): -1}
>>> from qubovert import PUBO
>>> d = PUBO({(0, 1): 1, (1, 2, 'x'): 4})
>>> d.normalize()
>>> print(d)
{(0, 1): 0.25, (1, 2, 'x'): 1}
>>> from qubovert.utils import PUBO
>>> d = PUBO({(0, 1): 1, (1, 2, 'x'): -4})
>>> d.normalize()
>>> print(d)
{(0, 1): 0.25, (1, 2, 'x'): -1}
property num_ancillas


Return the number of ancilla variables introduced to the PCSO in order to enforce the inputted constraints.


num – Number of ancillas in the PCSO.

Return type


property num_binary_variables


Return the number of binary variables in the problem.


n – Number of binary variables in the problem.

Return type


property num_terms


Return the number of terms in the dictionary.


n – Number of terms in the dictionary.

Return type


property offset


Get the part that does not depend on any variables. Ie the value corresponding to the () key.



Return type


pop(k[, d]) v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value.

If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised


Remove and return a (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple.

Pairs are returned in LIFO (last-in, first-out) order. Raises KeyError if the dict is empty.



Return a pretty string representation of the model.


var_prefix (str (optional, defaults to 'z').) – The prefix for the variables.



Return type




For efficiency, the internal variables for degree, num_binary_variables, max_index are computed as the dictionary is being built (and in subclasses such as qubovert.PUBO, properties such as mapping and reverse_mapping). This can cause these values to be wrong for some specific situations. Calling refresh will rebuild the dictionary, resetting all of the values.


>>> from qubovert.utils import PUBOMatrix
>>> P = PUBOMatrix()
>>> P[(0,)] += 1
>>> P, P.degree, P.num_binary_variables
{(0,): 1}, 1, 1
>>> P[(0,)] -= 1
>>> P, P.degree, P.num_binary_variables
{}, 1, 1
>>> P.refresh()
>>> P, P.degree, P.num_binary_variables
{}, 0, 0
>>> from qubovert import PUBO
>>> P = PUBO()
>>> P[('a',)] += 1
>>> P, P.mapping, P.reverse_mapping
{('a',): 1}, {'a': 0}, {0: 'a'}
>>> P[('a',)] -= 1
>>> P, P.mapping, P.reverse_mapping
{}, {'a': 0}, {0: 'a'}
>>> P.refresh()
>>> P, P.mapping, P.reverse_mapping
{}, {}, {}
classmethod remove_ancilla_from_solution(solution)


Take a solution to the PCSO and remove all the ancilla variables, ( represented by _a prefixes).


solution (dict.) – Must be the solution in terms of the original variables. Thus if solution is the solution to the self.to_pubo, self.to_qubo, self.to_puso, or self.to_quso formulations, then you should first call self.convert_solution. See help(self.convert_solution).


res – The same as solution but with all the ancilla bits removed.

Return type


property reverse_mapping


Return a copy of the reverse_mapping dictionary that maps the integer labels to the provided labels. Opposite of mapping.


reverse_mapping – Dictionary that maps integer labels to provided labels.

Return type


set_mapping(*args, **kwargs)


BO sublcasses automatically create a mapping from variable names to integers as they are being built. However, the mapping is based on the order in which elements are entered and therefore may not be as desired. Of course, the convert_solution method keeps track of the mapping and can/should always be used. But if you want a consistent mapping, then set_mapping can be used.

Consider the following examples (we use the qubovert.QUBO class for the examples, which is a subclass of BO).

Example 1:

>>> from qubovert import QUBO
>>> Q = QUBO()
>>> Q[(0,)] += 1
>>> Q[(1,)] += 2
>>> Q.mapping
{0: 0, 1: 1}
>>> Q.to_qubo()
{(0,): 1, (1,): 2}

Example 2:

>>> from qubovert import QUBO
>>> Q = QUBO()
>>> Q[(1,)] += 2
>>> Q[(0,)] += 1
>>> Q.mapping
{0: 1, 1: 0}
>>> Q.to_qubo()
{(0,): 2, (1,): 1}

To ensure consistency in mappings, you can provide your own mapping with set_mapping. See the following modified examples.

Modified example 1:

>>> from qubovert import QUBO
>>> Q = QUBO()
>>> Q[(0,)] += 1
>>> Q[(1,)] += 2
>>> Q.set_mapping({0: 0, 1: 1})
>>> Q.mapping
{0: 0, 1: 1}
>>> Q.to_qubo()
{(0,): 1, (1,): 2}

Modified example 2:

>>> from qubovert import QUBO
>>> Q = QUBO()
>>> Q[(1,)] += 2
>>> Q[(0,)] += 1
>>> Q.set_mapping({0: 0, 1: 1})
>>> Q.mapping
{0: 0, 1: 1}
>>> Q.to_qubo()
{(0,): 1, (1,): 2}

arguments (defines a dictionary with d = dict(*args, **kwargs).) – d will become the mapping. See help(self.mapping)


Using set_mapping to set the mapping will also automatically set the reverse_mapping, so there is no need to call both set_mapping and set_reverse_mapping.

set_reverse_mapping(*args, **kwargs)


Same as set_mapping but reversed. See help(self.reverse_mapping) and help(self.set_mapping).


arguments (defines a dictionary with d = dict(*args, **kwargs).) – d will become the reverse mapping. See help(self.reverse_mapping).


Using set_reverse_mapping to set the mapping will also automatically set the mapping, so there is no need to call both set_mapping and set_reverse_mapping.

setdefault(key, default=None, /)

Insert key with a value of default if key is not in the dictionary.

Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.



If self has any symbolic expressions, this will go through and simplify them. This will also make everything a float!


Return type

None. Updates it in place.



Solve the problem bruteforce. THIS SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR LARGE PROBLEMS! This is the exact same as calling ``qubovert.utils.solve_puso_bruteforce(

self, all_solutions, self.is_solution_valid)[1]``.


all_solutions (bool.) – See the description of the all_solutions parameter in qubovert.utils.solve_puso_bruteforce.



Return type

the second element of the two element tuple that is returned from

classmethod squash_key(key)


Will convert the input key into the standard form for PUSOMatrix / QUSOMatrix. It will get rid of pairs of duplicates and sort. This method will check to see if the input key is valid.


key (tuple of integers.) –


k – A sorted and squashed version of key.

Return type

tuple of integers.


>>> squash_key((0, 4, 0, 3, 3, 2, 3))
>>> (2, 3, 4)
subgraph(nodes, connections=None)


Create the subgraph of self that only includes vertices in nodes, and external nodes are given the values in connections.

  • nodes (set.) – Nodes of self to include in the subgraph.

  • connections (dict (optional, defaults to {})) – For each node in self that is not in nodes, we assign a value given by connections.get(node, 0).


D – The subgraph of self with nodes in nodes and the values of the nodes not included given by connections.

Return type

same as type(self)


Any offset value included in self (ie {(): 1}) will be ignored, however there may be an offset in the output D.


>>> G = DictArithmetic(
>>>     {(0, 1): -4, (0, 2): -1, (0,): 3, (1,): 2, (): 2}
>>> )
>>> D = G.subgraph({0, 2}, {1: 5})
>>> D
{(0,): -17, (0, 2): -1, (): 10}
>>> G = DictArithmetic(
>>>     {(0, 1): -4, (0, 2): -1, (0,): 3, (1,): 2, (): 2}
>>> )
>>> D = G.subgraph({0, 2})
>>> D
{(0, 2): -1, (0,): 3}
>>> G = DictArithmetic(
>>>     {(0, 1): -4, (0, 2): -1, (0,): 3, (1,): 2, (): 2}
>>> )
>>> D = G.subgraph({0, 1}, {2: -10})
>>> D
{(0, 1): -4, (0,): 13, (1,): 2}
>>> G = DictArithmetic(
>>>     {(0, 1): -4, (0, 2): -1, (0,): 3, (1,): 2, (): 2}
>>> )
>>> D = G.subgraph({0, 1})
>>> D
{(0, 1): -4, (0,): 3, (1,): 2}
subs(*args, **kwargs)


Replace any sympy symbols that are used in the dict with values. Please see help(sympy.Symbol.subs) for more info.


arguments (substitutions.) – Same parameters as are inputted into sympy.Symbol.subs.


res – Same as self but with all the symbols replaced with values.

Return type

a PCSO object.



Replace each element in self with a value in values if it exists.


values (dict.) – For each node v in self that is in values, we replace the node with values[v].



Return type

same as type(self)


>>> G = DictArithmetic(
>>>     {(0, 1): -4, (0, 2): -1, (0,): 3, (1,): 2, (): 2
>>> }
>>> D = G.subvalue({0: 2})
>>> D
{(1,): -6, (2,): -2, (): 8}
>>> G = DictArtihmetic(
>>>     {(0, 1): -4, (0, 2): -1, (0,): 3, (1,): 2, (): 2
>>> }
>>> D = G.subvalue({2: -3})
>>> D
{(0, 1): -4, (0,): 6, (1,): 2, (): 2}
>>> G = PUBO(
>>>     {(0, 1): -4, (0, 2): -1, (0,): 3, (1,): 2, (): 2
>>> }
>>> D = G.subvalue({2: -3})
>>> D
{(0, 1): -4, (0,): 6, (1,): 2, (): 2}


Return the default enumerated Matrix object.

If self is a QUBO, self.to_enumerated() is equivalent to self.to_qubo().

If self is a QUSO, self.to_enumerated() is equivalent to self.to_quso().

If self is a PUBO or PCBO, self.to_enumerated() is equivalent to self.to_pubo().

If self is a PUSO or PCSO, self.to_enumerated() is equivalent to self.to_puso().


res – If self is a QUBO type, then this method returns the corresponding QUBOMatrix type. If self is a QUSO type, then this method returns the corresponding QUSOMatrix type. If self is a PUBO or PCBO type, then this method returns the corresponding PUBOMatrix type. If self is a PUSO or PCSO type, then this method returns the corresponding PUSOMatrix type.

Return type

QUBOMatrix, QUSOMatrix, PUBOMatrix, or PUSOMatrix object.

to_pubo(deg=None, lam=None, pairs=None)


Create and return upper triangular degree deg PUBO representing the PUSO problem. The labels will be integers from 0 to n-1.

  • deg (int >= 0 (optional, defaults to None)) – The degree of the final PUBO. If deg is None, then the degree of the output PUBO will be the same as the degree of self, ie see self.degree.

  • lam (function (optional, defaults to None)) – Note that if deg is None or deg >= self.degree, then lam is unneccessary and will not be used. If lam is None, the function PUBO.default_lam will be used. lam is the penalty factor to introduce in order to enforce the ancilla constraints. When we reduce the degree of the model, we add penalties to the lower order model in order to enforce ancilla variable constraints. These constraints will be multiplied by lam(v), where v is the value associated with the term that it is reducing. For example, a term (0, 1, 2): 3 in the higher order model may be reduced to a term (0, 3): 3 for the lower order model, and then the fact that 3 should be the product of 1 and 2 will be enforced with a penalty weight lam(3).

  • pairs (set (optional, defaults to None)) – A set of tuples of variable pairs to prioritize pairing together in to degree reduction. If a pair in pairs is found together in the PUSO, it will be chosen as a pair to reduce to a single ancilla. You should supply this parameter if you have a good idea of an efficient way to reduce the degree of the PUSO. If pairs is None, then it will be the empty set set(). In other words, no variable pairs will be prioritized, and instead variable pairs will be chosen to reduce to an ancilla bases solely on frequency of occurrance.


P – The upper triangular PUBO matrix, a PUBOMatrix object. For most practical purposes, you can use PUBOMatrix in the same way as an ordinary dictionary. For more information, see help(qubovert.utils.PUBOMatrix).

Return type

qubovert.utils.PUBOMatrix object.


The penalty that we use to enforce the constraints that the ancilla variable z is equal to the product of the two variables that it is replacing, xy, is:

0 if z == xy, 3*lam(v) if x == y == 0 and z == 1, and lam(v) else.

See https://arxiv.org/pdf/1307.8041.pdf equation 6.

to_puso(deg=None, lam=None, pairs=None)


Create and return upper triangular degree deg PUSO representing the problem. The labels will be integers from 0 to n-1.

  • deg (int >= 0 (optional, defaults to None)) – The degree of the final PUSO. If deg is None, then the degree of the output PUSO will be the same as the degree of self, ie see self.degree.

  • lam (function (optional, defaults to None)) – Note that if deg is None or deg >= self.degree, then lam is unneccessary and will not be used. If lam is None, the function PUBO.default_lam will be used. lam is the penalty factor to introduce in order to enforce the ancilla constraints. When we reduce the degree of the model, we add penalties to the lower order model in order to enforce ancilla variable constraints. These constraints will be multiplied by lam(v), where v is the value associated with the term that it is reducing. For example, a term (0, 1, 2): 3 in the higher order model may be reduced to a term (0, 3): 3 for the lower order model, and then the fact that 3 should be the product of 1 and 2 will be enforced with a penalty weight lam(3).

  • pairs (set (optional, defaults to None)) – A set of tuples of variable pairs to prioritize pairing together in to degree reduction. If a pair in pairs is found together in the PUSO, it will be chosen as a pair to reduce to a single ancilla. You should supply this parameter if you have a good idea of an efficient way to reduce the degree of the PUSO. If pairs is None, then it will be the empty set set(). In other words, no variable pairs will be prioritized, and instead variable pairs will be chosen to reduce to an ancilla bases solely on frequency of occurrance.


H – The upper triangular PUSO matrix, a PUSOMatrix object. For most practical purposes, you can use PUSOMatrix in the same way as an ordinary dictionary. For more information, see help(qubovert.utils.PUSOMatrix).

Return type

qubovert.utils.PUSOMatrix object.


See the to_pubo docstring for more information on the penalties and lam.

to_qubo(lam=None, pairs=None)


Create and return upper triangular QUBO representing the problem. The labels will be integers from 0 to n-1. We introduce ancilla variables in order to reduce the degree of the PUSO to a QUBO. The solution to the PUSO can be read from the solution to the QUBO by using the convert_solution method.

  • lam (function (optional, defaults to None)) – If lam is None, the function PUBO.default_lam will be used. lam is the penalty factor to introduce in order to enforce the ancilla constraints. When we reduce the degree of the PUSO to a QUBO, we add penalties to the QUBO in order to enforce ancilla variable constraints. These constraints will be multiplied by lam(v), where v is the value associated with the term that it is reducing. For example, a term (0, 1, 2): 3 in the Hquso may be reduced to a term (0, 3): 3 for the QUSO, and then the fact that 3 should be the product of 1 and 2 will be enforced with a penalty weight lam(3).

  • pairs (set (optional, defaults to None)) – A set of tuples of variable pairs to prioritize pairing together in to degree reduction. If a pair in pairs is found together in the PUSO, it will be chosen as a pair to reduce to a single ancilla. You should supply this parameter if you have a good idea of an efficient way to reduce the degree of the PUSO. If pairs is None, then it will be the empty set set(). In other words, no variable pairs will be prioritized, and instead variable pairs will be chosen to reduce to an ancilla bases solely on frequency of occurrance.


Q – The upper triangular QUBO matrix, an QUBOMatrix object. For most practical purposes, you can use QUBOMatrix in the same way as an ordinary dictionary. For more information, see help(qubovert.utils.QUBOMatrix).

Return type

qubovert.utils.QUBOMatrix object.

to_quso(lam=None, pairs=None)


Create and return upper triangular QUSO representing the problem. The labels will be integers from 0 to n-1. We introduce ancilla variables in order to reduce the degree of the PUSO to a QUSO. The solution to the PUSO can be read from the solution to the QUSO by using the convert_solution method.

  • lam (function (optional, defaults to None)) – If lam is None, the function PUBO.default_lam will be used. lam is the penalty factor to introduce in order to enforce the ancilla constraints. When we reduce the degree of the PUSO to a QUSO, we add penalties to the QUSO in order to enforce ancilla variable constraints. These constraints will be multiplied by lam(v), where v is the value associated with the term that it is reducing. For example, a term (0, 1, 2): 3 in the PUSO may be reduced to a term (0, 3): 3 for the QUSO, and then the fact that 3 should be the product of 1 and 2 will be enforced with a penalty weight lam(3).

  • pairs (set (optional, defaults to None)) – A set of tuples of variable pairs to prioritize pairing together in to degree reduction. If a pair in pairs is found together in the PUSO, it will be chosen as a pair to reduce to a single ancilla. You should supply this parameter if you have a good idea of an efficient way to reduce the degree of the PUSO. If pairs is None, then it will be the empty set set(). In other words, no variable pairs will be prioritized, and instead variable pairs will be chosen to reduce to an ancilla bases solely on frequency of occurrance.


L – The upper triangular QUSO matrix, an QUSOMatrix object. For most practical purposes, you can use QUSOMatrix in the same way as an ordinary dictionary. For more information, see help(qubovert.utils.QUSOMatrix).

Return type

qubovert.utils.QUSOMatrix object.

update(*args, **kwargs)


Update the PCSO but following all the conventions of this class.


*args/**kwargs (defines a dictionary or PCSO.) – Ie d = dict(*args, **kwargs). Each element in d will be added in place to this instance following all the required convensions.



Find the value of

\(\sum_{i,...,j} H_{i...j} z_{i} ... z_{j}\). Calling self.value(z) is the same as calling qubovert.utils.puso_value(z, self).


z (dict or iterable.) – Maps variable labels to their values, -1 or 1. Ie z[i] must be the value of variable i.


value – The value of the PUSO/QUSO with the given assignment z.

Return type



>>> from qubovert.utils import QUSOMatrix, PUSOMatrix
>>> from qubovert import QUSO, PUSO
>>> H = PUSOMatrix({(0, 1): -1, (0,): 1})
>>> z = {0: -1, 1: 1}
>>> H.value(z)
>>> H = PUSO({(0, 1): -1, (0,): 1})
>>> z = {0: -1, 1: 1}
>>> H.value(z)
>>> L = QUSOMatrix({(0, 1): -1, (0,): 1})
>>> z = {0: -1, 1: 1}
>>> L.value(z)
>>> L = QUSO({(0, 1): -1, (0,): 1})
>>> z = {0: -1, 1: 1}
>>> L.value(z)
values() an object providing a view on D's values
property variables


Return a set of all the variables in the dict.



Return type
